kim nogueira studio
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The more civilized, the more
unconscious and complicated a
man is, the less he is able to follow
his instincts. His complicated living
conditions and the influence of his
environment are so strong that they
drown out the quiet voice of nature.                

--C G Jung



memento mori kim nogueira.jpg

Memento Mori: We are the music makers
silver, brass, stainless steel, 24k, ruby, rhodolite garnet
5.3 x 2.8 x 1.5 cm and 6 x 2.7 x 1.4 cm
The skeleton memento mori is in the collection of the Morris Museum.
The angel memento mori is in a private collection.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams
— Arthur O'Shaughnessy

Our music is a beautiful way to share emotion and self-expression, and it is the music of the natural world that makes this possible--buzzing, growls, chirps, rustling, howling and peeps--this wondrous symphony envelopes us with life. These mechanical memento mori encourage us to envision a paradigm that celebrates, respects and protects our biodiverse planet, so that we can continue our music making.



Watch the video above if you would like to see what happens when you turn the crank to the angel.

Watch the video above if you would like to see what happens when you turn the crank to the skeleton.